Call Us Today! (575) 492-9247

Frequently Asked Questions

We specialize in a comprehensive range of services, including pest control, rodent control, termite control, weed control, fertilizer and lawn care, and tree and shrub care services.

We operate within a 25-mile radius of Hobbs, NM. If you are within this area, we are ready to address your pest, rodent, and weed control needs.

Yes, our team is comprised of experienced professionals who are rigorously trained and licensed by the New Mexico Department of Agriculture. We ensure that our technicians are equipped with the latest knowledge and techniques in pest and weed control.

Signs of pest infestation can include visible pests, damage to structures (like woodwork or fabrics), and unusual sounds within walls. If you notice any of these signs, it’s best to contact us for a professional assessment.

Our weed control solutions involve selective herbicide application, targeting only the unwanted weeds and ensuring the safety and health of your garden.

You can schedule a service by calling us at (575) 492-9247 or by requesting a free quote through our website.

Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is paramount. Please contact us directly to discuss specific guarantees and service agreements.

Safety is our top priority. We use methods and products that are safe for both pets and children, ensuring that your home remains a safe environment.

Prevention tips include sealing cracks and openings, maintaining cleanliness, managing waste effectively, and regular inspections. For more detailed advice tailored to your situation, feel free to contact us.

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